Boštjan Leskovšek, Iva Tratnik, Borut Savski

Materiality of ROR remembers the first inarticulate, mumbling voices, purely organ sounds emerging from within the body. This memory is littered with events over psychosocial conditions in time and space. Its binding are the responses of flesh to the thinking of the machine. Hierarchy of thinking and the machineness of life are the occupation and struggle of ROR’s primary origins.

In ROR the machine is computer, microphone, bottle, mixer, plastic tube… the body is ears, mouth, eyes, skin… There is a cleavage between body and machine which paradoxically unites them both in the liberation of structural determination. This draws on the relation of changeability/transience, which leads to conflicts, be it personal or social. Disintegration, always actively heard, is inexorably free, if, of course, the subject is willing to explore the unknown.

ROR approaches the software in the same way as workers in the time of industrial revolution when they were breaking machines, ludistically. The breaking produces excellent sound/noise. Avantgardism of breaking the mirror into random pieces and situationist gazing at them presents the first wing of freedom within ROR’s expression. In here ROR acts as a child who breaks the toy only to be able to use it later in a different way.

Boštjan Leskovšek, born in 1965 in Ljubljana, is a sound artist, a poet, and a co-founder of the POPOPO movement (POEZIJA PO POŠTI/POETRY AFTER MAIL) (1996—2001). During this time, he worked on over fifty performances (happenings, sound poetry, and correspondence songwriting). In 2006 he published the poetry collection Drža Va. He is enthusiastic about technology, science, philosophy, and contemporary art. He is the cofounder of the association Cirkulacija 2 and is also one of the participants in the long lasting NanoŠmano project that addresses the relationship between arts and science. He has participated as a member of the collective and individual author in countless Cirkulacija 2 projects.

Iva Tratnik postgraduated in Art Academy Ljubljana in 2012. Has been exploring diverse artistic practices, including textile collages, oil and acrylic paintings, sculpture, drawing, installations and other site-specific interventions. She is also engaged in performance, where she experiments with voice, movement, mask. Iva works independently or in temporary collectives.

Borut Savski, born in 1960 in Ljubljana, is an intermedia artist, composer and producer who places great emphasis on sound – while using technical solutions for unusual instruments and autonomous sound and visual structures / sculptures. Closely related to this are the microsocial situations in which he enters and / or creates them. 
Artistic production is always parallel and intertwined with other fields. Technology, programming, music, view of society. He does a lot of work in the Cirkulacija 2 program, where the concept of collaborative research and experimental art and especially post-disciplinary art is sought after. Borut is also a co-founder of the Cirkulacija 2 association.